To maintain our, approximately, bi-monthly schedule, yet considering all the holidays the Indonesian calendar is showing around this time of the year, we will be having our ZOOM session on a Thursday, rather than the usual beginning of the week, the “services team” tends to meet normally!
For interested AmCham members, who may consider joining us the first time, please know that the services committee is dealing with the broadest possible spectrum of services, ranging from banking and insurance, to hospitality, real estate, security, IT and education, to manufacturing,moving and shipping, health care, retail and distribution, tax and other consultants, the list goes on. We also tend to be joined by friends from the embassy, and all participants are expected to contribute, actually to carry the meeting,and to make it the success it is known for, with me merely conducting the traffic, taking notes and creating some limited minutes, afterwards.
Please, as mentioned earlier, block the time for our zoom session in your calendars, and be ready to provide your perspective of the environment we all have chosen to operate in, so that everybody in the meeting, which is following Chatham House rules, gets a chance to learn, prepare, avoid, but also to embrace opportunities, that may suddenly emerge from the discussions.
Please confirm your participation with rsvp link below and the office, closer to the date, will supply you with the needed zoom link, to become part of one of AmCham’s best known committee activities. Thank you, in advance for your participation! I am looking forward to seeing you, May 20, at 08:30AM sharp.
Peter Meyer
AmCham Indonesia
Governor Emeritus
Services Chair