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Summary of Circular Letter of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Number HK.02.02/A/4890/2024 regarding Guideline on Disaster-Safe Hospitals

This circular letter informs the heads of provincial health service offices, heads of regency/city health service offices, heads of hospitals, heads of associations in the field of hospitalization, and heads of independent ...

Rangkuman Surat Edaran Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Kesehatan Nomor HK.02.02/A/4890/2024 tentang Pedoman Rumah Sakit Aman Bencana

Surat edaran ini menginformasikan kepala dinas kesehatan daerah provinsi, para kepala dinas kesehatan daerah kabupaten/kota, para pimpinan rumah sakit, para ketua perkumpulan di bidang perumahsakitan, dan para ketua lembaga independen ...

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Legal Centric Indonesia

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