Summary of Decision of the Board of Directors of Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation Number Kep-002/DIR/KPEI/0124 regarding Policy on the Relaxation of Fee for the Use of Bilateral Securities Borrowing and Lending Facility
This decision stipulates the enforcement of relaxation of fee for the use of Bilateral Securities Borrowing and Lending Facility (PME), namely ...
Rangkuman Keputusan Direksi PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia Nomor Kep-002/DIR/KPEI/0124 tentang Kebijakan Keringanan Biaya Penggunaan Fasilitas Pinjam Meminjam Efek Bilateral
Keputusan ini menetapkan pemberlakuan keringanan pengenaan biaya penggunaan Fasilitas Pinjam Meminjam Efek (PME) Bilateral, yaitu Intermediaries Fee sebesar 0.02% (dua persepuluh ribu) ...
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