Dear Friends & Colleagues,
It is almost unbelievable that the following invitation to our next services event is already the last one for the year 2021! When we meet next, we will be looking back at a year that was anything but easy, but also be trying to make some predictions about 2022, as far as the business perspective going forward is concerned.
Please block Wednesday, Nov 24, from 08:00 am-09:30am, for our next AmCham Services Committee session which, unfortunately, will be another Zoom event, for which you will receive the required link after you confirm your participation with the office.
I say “unfortunately” because the Corona drama is still interfering with our standard practice to, casually over a nice breakfast, talk around the table. But am also happy to stress that all of you, in spite of that handicap, have been the ones who guaranteed the ongoing success and quality of our information exchange through your "breakfast without breakfast" participation. Let's eventually hope for some light at the end of the tunnel, and for a return to what has made the services sessions such a special and comfortable business environment amongst friends.
Given the Zoom, rather than face to face, interaction which makes it easier to conduct the traffic and to take notes, I am also asking (just as the last time), that you PLEASE supplement your input during the meeting with a brief summary, later to be shared with me/the office, so our subsequent minutes are the kind of valuable material we can all refer to down the road.
For potentially interested newcomers to the services event, let me just tell you that you will not only be expected to give us a brief picture of your (business) situation, but you will also be hearing from the broadest possible spectrum of business representatives you might imagine. I am talking about regular participants from banking and insurance, security providers, the real estate and the hospitality sectors, colleagues with moving and relocation, IT, tax, communication, accounting and education backgrounds, plenty of consultants across the spectrum, friends from the embassy, the list goes on….
We will also be taking “the temperature” as far as business climate expectations are concerned, which has become a very interesting yardstick for our own and also for regional and global office use.
Please register your participation, as mentioned above, but also, please be sure that with the exception of some unforeseen developments, your commitment to participation and information sharing is serious. Confirmations just of a casual nature are not what we are hoping for!
Look forward to seeing you, on November 24 at 08:00am!
Till then, all the best,
Peter Meyer
AmCham Indonesia
Governor Emeritus
Services Chair